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Pərvin Bəhramoğlu |
Because of the common political culture they share, democracies never fight each other. According to the researches the conflict between one non-democratic and one democratic state is more likely to occur, than between two non-democratic countries. So the theory reveals that democratization of states can decrease the number of wars worldwide. We can show it in the example of Azerbaijan Armenia "Nagorno Karabakh conflict", which has not been resolved for more than 25 years, and the main reason for that is the regimes which are non-democratic.
Democracies base on research institutions’ researches and predictions, while making internal or external political decisions, or while defining long-term aims. Unlike democracies, in non-democratic regimes the main decisionmakers are the rulers of that regime, and all the decisions depend on the short-term wishes of the ruler, and that is the main reason why the potentials and perspectives of conflict resolution in authoritarian regimes is very low. Moreover, authoritarian regimes are interested themselves in the presence of conflicts in their territories and external rivals. By this way they rule people easily, blaming their rivals in all the problems that occur in the country because of the dictator’s own non-professionalism.
The opposition to the authoritarian regimes is fully eliminated, and all the people critisizing the government are blamed in cooperation with enemies, and because of that are harshly punished. Media is not fulfilling its duties properly in non-democratic regimes, since they have to be careful in order not to spread the military secret. By keeping the conflict in the center, the rights and freedoms of people living in the territory which is rulled by dictators is limited.
In non-democratic regimes, because the government is not elected by free and fair elections, the nation is mostly seen as the source of danger. The government who doesn’t get its power from its people, is always supported by stronger ally of its, unable to make independent decisions, and solve any conflicts ocurring in its territory.
Media, schoolbooks and other tools of information are under the control of the government in non-democratic regimes, and the existing government propagate whatever they need their people to know, like making people believe that another state is the rival state and tensions occur between the societies of these two states. Doing this non-democratic regimes bring the conflict into the state where the solution seems to be impossible.
Researches show that authoritarian regimes who has territorial conflicts are interested in “status-quo”, according to which the conflict remains frozen. However, frozen conflicts are the biggest challenge and threat for the whole region, for the people of the region, and for its democratization process, thus democracy is necessary for peace and stability in any region.
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